Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Interesting Trash Facts

From American Rivers:

Percentages and Types of Litter Found Outdoors:

  • Fast food waste (33%)
  • Paper (29%)
  • Aluminum (28%)
  • Glass (6%)
  • Plastic (2%)
  • Other (2%)

How Long Litter Lasts In The Wild:

  • Orange peel (2-5 weeks)
  • Paper bag (1 month)
  • Cigarette butt (up to 5 years)
  • Leather shoe (45 years)
  • Plastic bottle (430 years)
  • Aluminum can (200-500 years)
  • Disposable diaper (550 years)
  • Glass bottle (Approx. 1 million years)
  • Styrofoam container (1 million years)

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